Home Latest News Kim Kardashian Reveals How Much Weight She’s Lost After Giving Birth to...

Kim Kardashian Reveals How Much Weight She’s Lost After Giving Birth to Saint West


Kim Kardashian took to her blog on Monday for one of her repeated features titled “Current” in which she reveals her momentary loves, dislikes, obsessions and so on.

One thing she’s really stoked on right now? Her weight loss progression after giving birth to baby Saint West in December.

Kim revealed she’s back to wearing her workout clothes because “they are fitting again,” noting that she wants more things to start fitting again, too.

She added, “42 lbs down and 28 to go!”

The mother-of-two revealed she had gained 52 lbs. during her second pregnancy and planned to stick to a healthy regimen of eating and working out in order to shed the weight after giving birth.

In January, she announced she teamed up with Atkins to help her get back in shape.

Kim Kardashian

“Teaming up w/ @AtkinsInsider because it works for me! So much variety on#Atkins40 and Harvest Trail Bars = YUM,” she tweeted. “I’m so excited! I’m 30 lbs down today but 40 to go! I’m so focused.”


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