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‘I want my daughter to have mind-blowing, amazing sex’: Mum pledges to give her children vibrators


A MUM has controversially declared she will give her children vibrators so they can have ‘mind-blowing, amazing sex’.

Stephanie Land, 37, thinks that by learning to pleasure themselves, her children, who are currently aged eight and one, will be ‘less tempted by an eager boy’s erection’.

In an article for She Knows titled, ‘If we don’t want our daughters to have sex, we owe them their own vibrators’, Stephanie explains her belief that for girls to have enjoyable sex, they first need to learn how to masturbate.

The writer from Missoula, Montana relates her adolescent sexual experience when she lost her virginity at 17 with a boy who pulled away after a few months.

She said: “I resembled a strung-out person looking for a fix and clawed at this boy for the next year, desperate to get back those feelings that, to me, had come out of nowhere.

“I still had no clue about masturbation. I only knew that he’d made me feel something I’d never felt before and I could only get that feeling from him.”

Stephanie argues that girls have sex with boys because it’s expected of them and that they don’t expect pleasure in return.

She wrote: “Boys, with their access to pornographic material, expect girls they have sex with to enjoy it like the women in the films do.

“Girls, wanting boys to like them, agree to sexual acts that are well beyond their maturity level, and often ones a lot of grown women don’t find pleasurable.”

Stephanie believes this could be changed if girls knew ‘what felt good sexually’ and that sex education should start as early as reception age.

She says: “Unwanted sex, no matter what the circumstance, should not be a normal part of a teenage girl’s sexual exploration.

“I hope that my daughter is able to say “no,” and that she says “yes” only when she’s ready.

“I hope she says “yes” breathlessly and loud and not in a silent absence in fear of saying “no.”

The Sun UK