Home Politics Banigo urges young girls to work hard

Banigo urges young girls to work hard


Rivers State Deputy Governor Dr. (Mrs.) Ipalibo Harry Banigo has advised girls of school age to remain focused, work hard and have faith in God in order to succeed in life.

Dr Banigo stated this while playing host to some teachers and students of the Federal Government Girl’s College Abuloma, as part of her Mentorship Programme for the Girl Child at the Government House in Port Harcourt.

Dr. Banigo who said the Almighty God had predestined them to be the best in their chosen career choices stressed that they must shun everything that could make them derail from actualizing their dreams.

She commended the students and the school management for their outstanding performance in their academics.

In her remarks Rosemond Ubani, the teacher who led the delegation disclosed that the girls who look up to the Deputy Governor as their mentor came out tops in their classes, noting that in the continuous assessment which is conduced twice in a term the girls came out tops in their various classes.

According to her the champions are usually given a treat by taking them out to places of interest, noting that they were in the Deputy Governor’s office to let her know about the brilliant performance of the girls, stressing that the Girl Child is a source of pride.

Also speaking Miss Augustine Joan a ten year old JSS 2 student who said she was excited and encouraged by her visit to the Deputy Governor advised young girls like herself to take their studies seriously.

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